Prenosimo poziv za prijavljivanje na međunarodnu konferenciju „UNESCO i uloga civilnog sektora“.



World Heritage Watch is going to organize the international Conference “The UNESCO World Heritage and the Role of Civil Society” in Bonn, Germany, on 26-27 June 2015.

On the conference, representatives of NGOs, local communities and indigenous peoples will highlight the contributions civil society has made to the safeguarding of the world heritage, and will make suggestions for better participation of civil society in the implementation of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The suggestions will then be submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee which is going to have its annual meeting immediately afterwards, as well in Bonn.

Speakers on the conference will include, among others, Abdel Kader Haidara, who saved the historic manuscripts of Timbuktu from destruction by islamists; Dr. Susanne von der Heide, who, with her NGO “Himalasia”, is securing the art and cult objects from the temples of Nepal which have been destroyed by the earthquake; Kishore Rao, the director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center; Gustavo Araoz, the president of ICOMOS, and representatives of international NGOs such as WWF, Greenpeace and Europa Nostra.

You can see the entire conference program on our website:

It is supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, the Stiftung internationale Begegnungen Bonn, the Deutsch-Russische Austausch e.V. and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

You can register online at

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